The reason for this Blog

 In recent years I have struggled with the culture at large. I struggle with what it's doing to our kids. More importantly I struggle with what it wants to take from our kids. Society is pushing for our kids to grow up. They want to encourage, or "empower" them that they are adults. That they know what's best for them. I don't know about you but how many kids under the age of 18 do you know "really know" who they are? I mean think back when you were 18. I remember when I was 18. I was positive that I wasn't going to college. I was going to pack up my Honda, move to California and become famous. No plan, no worries, just me and my car and not even the money to pay the gas to get there. When I announced said plan to my parents they said "No now go figure out where you're going to college." Now at the time I was angry. They didn't understand me. They were the reason  I wasn't "following my dreams." But in reality they knew more than me and were encouraging me to keep my options open and not make poorly thought out decisions that would have landed my choices, and my life really limited. 

There are many thing happening in our culture at large that I believe I want to help equip my kids and maybe even a few other parents or their kids to help our kids navigate this well. To learn what the messages are both overt and covert. Learn how to have the tools to combat them. To have their identity deeply rooted in their creator. 

I want to encourage a Christ Like culture in my home and for my kids. Some may assume that because this is my goal this blog will be filled with love and acceptance of sinners and their sin. On the contrary. This blog will be filled with how we navigate the example Christ set including our ability to say no to sin and take a stand against evil. Love the sinner hate the sin. That is scripture. 
